Save the Children

Funding totals

Funds documented as disbursed and received by Save the Children from 2014 to 2022, including capacity-building and PHEIC-specific funding. Totals may not align due to incomplete reporting and documentation.

Funds disbursed2014–2022

$285MTotal funds (USD)
$265MCapacity-building funds, including JEE core capacities (USD)
$20MPHEIC funds (USD)

Funds received2014–2022

$560KTotal funds (USD)
$0Capacity-building funds, including JEE core capacities (USD)
$560KPHEIC funds (USD)

Funds by top 10 JEE core capacities

Funds disbursed and received by Save the Children for activities aligned to JEE 1.0. core capacities (see Technical appendix). Value may be less than the total identified for capacity-building shown above because not all capacity-building funds align with a specified JEE core capacity.

Funds disbursedSave the Children | 2014–2022

JEE 1.0 CategoryFunds (USD)$0$10M$20M$30M$40MEmergency response operations$30MWorkforce development$25MFood safety$20MReal-time surveillance$3MZoonotic disease$1.5MNational laboratory system$1.5MPreparedness$1MNational legislation, policy and financing$1MRisk communication$465KImmunization$175K

Funds receivedSave the Children | 2014–2022

JEE 1.0 CategoryFunds (USD)$0$10M$20M$30M$40MWorkforce development$560KMedical countermeasures and personnel deployment$560K

Funds by PHEIC

Funds disbursed and received by Save the Children for PHEIC-specific response.

Funds disbursedSave the Children | 2014–2022

PHEIC nameFunds (USD)$0$2M$4M$6M$8M$10M$10M2019-2023 COVID-19 Pandemic$10M2014-2016 Ebola in West Africa$7.5M

Funds receivedSave the Children | 2014–2022

PHEIC nameFunds (USD)$0$2M$4M$6M$8M$10M$10M2014-2016 Ebola in West Africa$560K

Top recipients and funders

Top 10 recipients to which Save the Children disbursed funds, and top 10 funders from which Save the Children received funds.

Top 10 recipients2014–2022

Sierra Leone$25M
United Kingdom$9M
Central African Republic$5M
South Sudan$3.5M

Top 10 funders2014–2022
