2018-2020 Ebola in DRC

Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

As an Ebola outbreak in the northwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) came to a close, new cases were detected in eastern provinces. Ongoing ethnic conflicts and high transnational mobility contributed to the rapid spread of the virus. The government of the DRC officially declared an outbreak in August 2018, which then spread to Uganda in June 2019. The outbreak was declared a PHEIC in July 2019, and the PHEIC was declared over in June 2020. Response measures were able to be implemented rapidly because they were already in use from the previous outbreak; these included heightened surveillance, community engagement, and infection prevention and control. Additionally, WHO and other agencies deployed healthcare personnel and provided funding to affected countries. The WHO declared the outbreak over in June 2020. In total, over 3,000 cases were reported, with over 2,000 resulting in death.

Total cases


Total deaths



Ebolavirus (EV)



Route of infection

Direct contact and Droplet

Medical countermeasures

Available at onset

Diagnostic tests, Treatments (antibiotics; antivirals), and Vaccines

Developed during or after event


Funding totals

Total funds disbursed and received globally for initiatives specific to this PHEIC.

Funds disbursed2019 - 2020

$1BTotal funding (USD)

Funds received2019 - 2020

$1BTotal funding (USD)

Top funders and recipients

Top 10 funders that disbursed PHEIC-specific funding, and top 10 recipients that received PHEIC-specific funding.