Publications citing this project

The following publications are works by members of our team, and works that cite either this tool or our team publications. Publications are listed in order by year published, with the most recent publications first.

Publications by our team

Robertson H, Graeden E, Kerr J, Van Maele M, and Katz R. Follow the money: a global analysis of funding dynamics for global health security. Health Affairs Scholar. June 6, 2024.

Boyce MR, Sorrell EM, and Standley CJ. An early analysis of the World Bank’s Pandemic Fund: a new fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. BMJ Global Health. January 4, 2023.

Boyce MR, Meyer MJ, Kraemer J, and Katz R. Financial Assistance for Health Security: Effects of International Financial Assistance on Capacities for Preventing, Detecting, and Responding to Public Health Emergencies. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. September 1, 2021. 10.34172/IJHPM.2021.120

Boyce MR, Attal-Juncqua A, Lin J, Mckay ABS, and Katz R. Global Fund contributions to health security in ten countries, 2014–20: mapping synergies between vertical disease programmes and capacities for preventing, detecting, and responding to public health emergencies. The Lancet Public Health. February 1, 2021.

Phelan A, and Katz R. Legal epidemiology for global health security and universal health coverage. The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. January 1, 2021. doi:10.1177/1073110519876175

Abdellatif YO, and Graeden E. A funding gap is hurting developing countries' efforts to contain COVID-19. Building Strategic Intelligence Series. December 22, 2020

Holmes C, Boyce MR, and Katz R. Africa is not starting from scratch on COVID-19. Think Global Health. February 27, 2020

Katz R, Graeden E, Kerr J, Eaneff S. Tracking the flow of funds in global health security. EcoHealth. February 28, 2019.

Katz R, Graeden E, Kerr J, Eaneff S. Capacity building under the International Health Regulations (2005): Ramifications of new implementation requirements in second edition Joint External Evaluation. . January 1, 2019

Kamradt-Scott A, and Katz R. AMR: A Key Focus of the Upcoming 2019 Global Health Security Conference. World Alliance Against Antibiotic Resistance. August 1, 2018

Publications citing our work

League A, Bangure D, Meyer MJ, Salyer SJ, Wanjohi D, Tebeje YK, et al. Assessing the impact of regional laboratory networks in East and West Africa on national health security capacities. PLOS Global Public Health. May 24, 2023.

Chin N, Dasaraju S, Nair-Desai S, and Nambiar K. Our Global Health Frameworks in COVID-19: Who Was Left Behind?. SSRN. June 15, 2022.

Satria FB, Tsai F-J, and Turbat B. Analyzing Self-Evaluation Capacity Scores Related to Infectious Disease Control in International Health Regulations during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Research Square. February 7, 2022.

Aviva Investors. The Little Book of Data. Aviva Investors. January 14, 2022

Global Health Security Index. Global Health Security Index 2021: Uganda Country Score Justifications and References. Global Health Security Index. December 1, 2021

Hagmann J. Course Syllabus: Contemporary Security Politics (IA097 - Spring - 6 ECTS). The Graduate Institute of Geneva. September 1, 2021

Lugo-Robles R, Garges EC, Olsen CH, and Brett-Major DM. Identifying nontraditional epidemic risk factors associated with major health events from the World Health Organization and World Bank Open Data. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. August 30, 2021. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-1318

Craven M, Sabow A, Van der Veken L, and Wilson M. Preventing Pandemics with Investments in Public Health. McKinsey & Company. May 21, 2021

Duff JH, Liu A, Saavedra J, Batycki JN, Morancy K, Stocking B, et. al. A global public health convention for the 21st century. The Lancet Public Health. May 6, 2021.

Glennon E. Spillover and emergence of bat-origin viral infections. Doctoral Thesis. April 1, 2021.

Quirk EJ, Gheorghe A, and Hauck K. A systematic examination of international funding flows for Ebola virus and Zika virus outbreaks 2014–2019: donors, recipients and funding purposes. BMJ Global Health. March 7, 2021.

Errecaborde KM. Moving Toward Sustainability: A Look Beyond Donor-Dependent Network Structures. Doctoral Thesis. December 1, 2020

Esteves P, and Staden CV. US and Chinese COVID-19 Health Outreach to Africa and Latin America: A Comparison. Africa Portal. November 30, 2020

Georgetown University SC. Catalog of Civil Society Assistance to States Parties: In Support of Article X of The Biological & Toxins Weapons Convention. Center for Global Health Science and Security. March 27, 2020

ISARIC at the University of Oxford. Report on the state of governance and coordination for health emergency preparedness and response. Global Preparedness Monitoring Board Annual Report. September 18, 2019

World Bank Group for Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. Pandemic Preparedness Financing. World Bank. September 1, 2019

CSIS Commission on Strengthening America’s Health Security. Harnessing Multilateral Financing for Health Security Preparedness. CSIS Briefs. April 3, 2019

Carlin EP, Machalaba C, Berthe FCJ, Long KC, and Karesh WB. Building Resilience to Biothreats: An assessment of unmet core global health security needs. EcoHealth Alliance. January 1, 2019

Leigh J, Fitzgerald G, Garcia E, and Moon S. Many initiatives, limited governance: Is global capacity to manage outbreaks improving?. BMJ. February 21, 2018

Leigh J, Moon S, Garcia E, and Fitzgerald G. Is Global Capacity to Manage Outbreaks Improving? An Analysis. Global Health Centre Working Paper. January 1, 2018

Moon S, and Vaidya R. Investing for a Rainy Day: Challenges in Financing National Preparedness for Outbreaks. Global Health Centre Working Paper. January 1, 2018